Ometz Touches Many Lives

Jeff Berkowitz
After completing my University undergraduate degree, I decided to get more involved in the community. At the time, a very good friend was working at Jewish Vocational Services and encouraged me to volunteer there. They were looking to rejuvenate their volunteer component, and from there, one thing led to another.
A major undertaking that took place during my presidency was a changeover of some of the senior management of the agency. It was a very difficult time. It was time consuming, mind consuming and emotionally consuming. In addition, a large portion of time was spent working to make JVS as relevant and modernized as possible for the Jewish population involved. We specifically focused on youth and youth retention. We also worked on the skills upgrades needed to make sure people were employable.
Since my time at JVS I have been involved as an officer of Hillel and remain on their board, and am also involved on the board of Camp B’nai Brith. I continue to be involved in Combined Jewish Appeal.
I think Ometz, in the format it is today, is more important than ever. It touches a major portion of any element of the community that would be at risk, be it emotionally or financially. Ometz is there for everyone. In today’s reality it is important to know that this type of organization is out there. Ometz is something that will touch many lives directly because its services are needed for those at risk.
Finally, I owe a debt of gratitude to Ometz because, as a volunteer, I was fortunate to work with and get to know a great professional at JVS Workshop. Today, that lovely woman is my wife of 15 years and mother of our 3 beautiful children! Thank you JVS/ Ometz!

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