Increase Excel Pivot Tables Proficiency in 3 Hours
Increase Excel Pivot Tables proficiency in 3 hours: Pivot Tables Demystified Topics: What's a pivot table? To Pivot or not To Pivot? How can I use one to save time? Displaying Percentages of a row, column or grand total. Add Calculated columns. Dealing with Fiscal Years. This bite-sized workshop runs for 3 hours on one day.
No date available
Time: 3:00 AM - 3:15 AM
Category: Computer Courses
Cost: $ 65.00
Address: 1 Carré Cummings Square (5151 Cote St. Catherine) 3rd floor, Montreal, QC, Ca, H3W 1M6
Location: Ometz Training Room 310
Contact: Norm Bazar [email protected]
Phone: (514)345-6417
Fax: (514)342-2317