Services for Job Seekers

Find the job that fits you best!

Meet one-on-one with an employment specialist for a customized consultation. We will provide the tools, expertise, and resources that you will need to find a job. Get concrete solutions to jump start your future!

We will guide you through the job search process with one-on-one coaching and workshops, offering you motivation, career coaching and proven job search strategies!

To meet with an Employment Specialist please call 514-734-1339 or email [email protected] for an appointment.

Access 45+ Program

Employment services are specifically available for people over 45 years of age. To meet with an Employment Specialist please call 514-734-1339 or email [email protected] for an appointment.

*Funded by Services Québec, some requirements may apply.


Supported Employment Services

We can help individuals living with a mental health diagnosis, intellectual challenge, learning disability or Autism Spectrum Disorder secure and maintain employment.

Click here to learn more about our Supported Employment department.